Do we make ourselves blind so we don’t see the color of skin?
But we could still hear and know the dialect, the language. We would still judge.
Do we also make ourselves deaf?
But we could still taste, touch and smell and categories would be established to segregate us.
Do we remove all the senses and become living vegetables with only our minds to interact within ourselves?
Our own thoughts would betray us and leave us utterly trapped thinking of what we did, what others have done, what we are missing and all manner of thoughts that mean nothing.
Do we stop living, abandon our corporeal self and free the spirit, the very essence of who we are? Is that what it will take to know that you and I are really the same? It will happen eventually and you will know the truth regardless.
But why wait?! Why not know the truth of how we are but reflections of each other in the shards of life. The truth is here in seeing the beauty of our skin, the rhythm of our voices, the tender kiss as we taste our lovers, the touch of our hands as we walk together, and the sweet smell of our bodies we are together in work and sex.
These all satisfy my senses, but it is my heart that knows you; that knows we are the same
Dwight Raatz – 07/19/2013