Have you ever committed to something and the moment you do, things begin to change? For me, I can reason and think about actions I might want to take, but nothing much changes until I submit and commit. By submit, I mean that you take an action or step that commits you toward the goal or destination you have decided to attain. This action is something that you can’t easily change your mind after submitting. In my case, I recently went on a trip that involved quite a few things outside of my comfort zone because it was out of the United States and involved traveling to a retreat in the middle of the Amazon jungle with no connection to the outside world.
As I was on the retreat center’s web site and I filled out the payment forms, the moment I clicked the submit button to send my payment, I could feel things change and shift. This was even compounded more when I booked the hotels and flights. There was no changing my mind, no going back. I committed to the journey and the Universe started to manifest my wishes. I felt different immediately, lighter, more free, nervous, excited, focused. Debate or worry about going on the trip ceased and a new perspective started. I only had to decide what I wanted and it began to form immediately. This has me wondering about all of the other things in my life that I’ve “thought” about, worried about, not decided. I think about all the time and energy that I wasted in the space of indecision and worry that came to nothing in the end. I can see how it’s better to make a dozen different decisions than to worry and think about one decision that takes forever to decide (if at all). Deciding is an action that sets in motion a whole myriad of other actions and releases a flood of energy that is fully dedicated to making what you decided come to life. If after making the decision you see that it isn’t working, then you decide something different and again set in motion more actions and energy. The first decision loses it power and dissipates into the void (or some might say that the first decision continues on to create an alternate reality) and the new decision begins to take form. It’s the indecision that blocks energy which can cause anxiety, high blood pressure, constipation, and other forms of dis-ease.
Submit to me also means to release. Once you have “filled out the forms and clicked submit”, you have decided to do something and then released that decision out to the Universe to become manifest. In my act of submitting to the retreat journey, I sent out to several organizations my intent to act and it was up to them to fulfill my intent. At that point all I needed to do was show up! Yes, that’s right; you can do the act of deciding and acting on that decision, but it really takes many subsequent actions to fulfill the intent for my part of the agreement. Each subsequent decision and act continues to build a momentum of energy that culminates once you’ve reached your goal or destination. Then the energy can resolve and complete to satisfaction, self-assurance, joy and even love.
If you’re feeling the anxiety and pressures of life holding you in place, the best thing to do is start making decisions and lots of them!
Dwight Raatz