I'm not a fluent historian but I do know that humankind has always been met with oppression, cruelty, and utter chaos for millennia. Each time the rise of such oppressors has grown, their actions have affected the whole of mankind. It’s even affected the ones who have chosen to betray their very souls in the name of a false belief, that their actions or supporting someone else’s actions, are somehow for the "greater good". As the saying goes, "Rain falls on the Just and the Unjust Alike." The actions of those who are selfish, power hungry and cruel will not just effect some, but effects ALL.
As you witness what has happened and is happening now, you can see in real time, the sowing of chaos by the oppressor bringing fear and hopeful acquiescence of the masses to allow it to continue. This is exactly what happened during the lead up to World War II with the slow and persistent lies and chaos by Germany’s Hitler and Japan’s Emperor Hirohito that led to cruelty beyond measure. (Read the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand)
Each time that mankind has been met with cruelty on a mass basis, we have always risen up and did the right thing to defend what is right and decent for all mankind. Take time to read what happened during WW-II and the actions of many POWs after being liberated. Even though they had experienced some of the most unimaginable torture, many did not seek revenge on their captures or its people. The POWs helped bring justice to those who perpetrated the cruelty, and they showed compassion and empathy for the civilians. Many of these civilians were also affected their country’s oppressors and had to do what was necessary to survive.

While all of the chaos and fear we are now feeling and witnessing is overwhelming, it’s important to not acquiesce and “hide under your blankets until it’s over”. Do what you can to resist. I believe the most powerful way to resist is showing compassion in your everyday life. Open your hearts to what others are fearful of. I believe that power and control are won or gained through methodical ways of dividing the people and inciting chaos and fear.
Those who give control over to these oppressors do so because they lose sight or do not realize that their own fears are really the source of their apathy. Similarly, those who are perpetrating the oppression are also doing such due to their own fears. This could be from their own sociopathic tendencies or even a deep fear around a perceived lack of abundance or control. Regardless of the reason, one path of resolution is through resisting the fears that we are inundated with every day. Talk with people about what is important to them, what their fears are, and find common ground to move forward for the good of all mankind.
I believe that at the root of evil is fear and fear is the ultimate liar. Find ways to reach out to those who have a like mind as well as those who do not. Listen to their fears with compassion and empathy. Find ways to help them if you can, even if it just by listening. Find out what is truly at root of their fear? Don’t be surprised if they don’t even realize what it is. This is the way. This is the way to peace, harmony, and how we will yet again overcome these times and grow as a people.
I also believe that chaos and pain are much like the birth process. It is necessary in order to bring forth something new, something precious, and something Holy.
Dwight J. Raatz, Author
"Fear is the ultimate liar"...I cannot abide liars. Well written, Dwight.