As our children emerge into this life from the womb, they are the closest beings (aside from nature) that is connected to the Universal Divine Source. In spending time with my Grandson (pictured here eating cherry tomatoes), I am in awe of his presence and feel like I’m with someone who is not fully human, but more Divine. As we grow and dis-connect more into our reality illusion, it is our children who are truly Gods among us. Spend time to see your child’s simple perspective of life and know that you have much to learn from them. Laugh, Smile, Enjoy the Succulent tastes of Nature, Love without condition, Show your emotions without shame – then Forgive and let go. Sleep soundly in the arms of those you love, even if it just yourself. Give love AND receive it graciously. Help all children to stay connected and to not fall into the illusion we did. This is how we will change the world.
Dwight Raatz