The Business of Healing

Trish Manning, Leadership Development and Mindfulness Coach
“This book is an excellent first resource into starting your service business. Mr. Raatz maps out an overview of the most important things to think about and handle. Crucially, it doesn’t bog you down with too much detail. It provides a strong start to launching your business. I found the questions that Mr. Raatz poses in each section to be very helpful. I appreciated the “notes” sections throughout the book since it prompted me to think deeper about those questions. A must-read and must-use for business start-ups!”

Stephanie Benedetto, coach at The Awakened Business
"Dwight Raatz is a friendly guide who helps you navigate the uncertainty of starting a business with practical advice and resources. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to begin, this book walks you through the questions you need to address both what you know and what you don't know (yet) to create a solid foundation. The suggestions for wellness-based businesses regarding liability, security and marketing will prove especially useful."

Ora North, author of I Don't Want to Be an Empath Anymore and Mood Magick
“Dwight lays out a lot of helpful, practical tools that need to be considered before diving into a healing business. Creative individuals can often overlook some of the business essentials in their wellness vision, so the suggestions and resources in this guide are a grounded starting place.”

Janelle Klander, Personal Coach and author of Courage to Find Purpose
“This book makes the left-brain part of starting a business easy. If you have a vision and excitement for your new business but get lost in understanding the red tape, then this book is for you.”