Dwight Raatz has spent years of self-discovery and healing practices to help him process his thoughts and emotions. These practices have helped him have a new perspective on who he really is and to grow his talents around writing and personal coaching.
Writing has been a big part of how Dwight found healing. By allowing his creative subconscious mind to speak through telling stories, he discovered hidden trauma and answers that he needed to heal.
Dwight enjoys taking what he has learned and expressing this wisdom in the form of thought-provoking stories by writing books, blog posts, and online articles. His hope is that his stories will spur your imagination and allow your creativity to flow.
Dwight is a writer, personal guide, life coach, and healer. He specializes in helping people on their path to truly knowing themselves, healing and removing blocks, and coaching them in achieving their goals for life and business.
He and his wife live near Minneapolis, Minnesota.